Chemical Peel Specialists

Skin flaws can make individuals feel self-conscious and affect their day-to-day interactions with others. Chemical peels offer a way to reduce wrinkles and other fine lines while making skin appear smoother and more youthful. At Pine Belt Dermatology and Skin Care Center, the team provides chemical peels at for patients in Petal, Hattiesburg, Ellisville, and Biloxi, Mississippi. They feature Vitalize Peel and Rejuvenize Peel treatments. Book your appointment through the online tool now, or call your nearest office today.

Chemical Peels Q&A

What are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are a method of eliminating unhealthy skin or flaws and promoting the growth of new and healthy skin. This results in an improved appearance of skin in the treated area. Chemical peels are usually used to improve skin on the hands, face, or neck.

Chemical Peels | Pine Belt Dermatology

They’re used for treating a wide range of skin conditions, including:

  • Acne scars
  • Crow’s feet
  • Melasma
  • Sun damage
  • Wrinkles
  • Hyperpigmentation

What types of chemical peels are there?

  • Superficial chemical peels: Only affecting the outer skin layer for mild flaws
  • Medium peels: Affect the outer and middle layers of skin and eliminate unhealthy cells
  • Deep peels: Go deeper into the middle layer skin to get rid of damaged cells

What is Vitalize Peel?

Vitalize Peel is a mild chemical peel that exfoliates skin to help it look healthier and more even in tone. This peel is perfect for people with mild flaws associated with the aging process or damage from sun exposure. A Vitalize Peel evens out skin tone and texture and reduces the appearance of fine lines. Individuals with mild acne scars might also benefit from Vitalize Peel treatments. Vitalize Peel treatments are for use on all skin types and generally take about 20 minutes per session. Many patients might experience a slight tingling sensation during treatment, while some individuals feel a burning sensation during the first few minutes. A Vitalize Peel leaves skin with a yellowish tint for a few hours after treatment. It can also cause temporary redness. Individuals can have Vitalize Peel treatments every 3-4 weeks if needed in order to maintain optimal results.

What is Rejuvenize Peel?

Rejuvenize Peel is a deeper chemical peel than Vitalize Peel. It’s recommended use is for sun-related or age-related skin flaws that range from moderate to severe, including deeper fine lines and uneven skin texture. Rejuvenize Peel reaches deeper into the skin to correct uneven skin pigmentation and texture and minimize the appearance of more severe wrinkles and fine lines. Treatments usually take about 20 minutes per session. During this procedure, some patients feel a mild burning sensation or tingling, which lasts for a short time. Afterwards, patients might have a yellowish tint to their skin for a few hours, along with redness. Individuals with moderate to severe skin flaws can have Rejuvenize Peels done every 4-6 weeks if needed.

We also offer Perfect Derma Peels. If you are interested in learning more about chemical peels, contact us today!

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