Skin cancer screenings are done by the dermatologist in order to assist with locating any moles or spots on the skin which could be malignant. Normally, a comprehensive appraisal of the patient’s skin will be performed. If a likely cancerous region has been identified the dermatologist will usually perform a biopsy. This is performed to obtain a sample of the affected skin cells in order to have them assessed by a laboratory to determine if cancerous cells are present. Self-exams as well as yearly skin screenings are extraordinarily important because early detection of cancer is imperative to effective treatment.
Characteristically, cancer screenings take roughly 10 minutes. If a skin biopsy is necessary, the procedure may take more time. Patients may also use this time to examine the skin for signs of other skin conditions such as rosacea. The goal is to make sure that the entire body is evaluated for indications of cancer so these screenings will be conducted in private.
A person’s skin can wind up changing greatly in 12 months. This is why it is suggested that patients have a cancer screening conducted annually. This ensures that concerning developments are noticed in their earliest stages. Performing self-exams should not be ignored. Proceed to the dermatologist as fast as you can if you observe any changes. For those who have a family history of skin cancer, battled cancer before, or have many moles, skin cancers screening should take place every 90 days.
The treatment employed will take into account the depth of penetration, location, size, and the tumor’s type in addition to the patient's overall health and age. Treatment options include:
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Fri: 8:00am to 4:30pm
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Fri: 8:00am to 4:30pm
1009 Tommy Munro Drive, Suite A
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Fri: 8:00am to 4:30pm
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