Facial blushing, acne-like bumps, redness on the cheeks—do these symptoms sound familiar to you? If they do, you are likely suffering from a common skin condition called rosacea. Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that has been found to affect more than 16 million Americans.
It is widespread in women aged 30 to 60 and individuals with a family history, and rosacea currently has no known cure or apparent cause. However, if you are one of the many people afflicted by the condition, be relieved because several effective medications and treatment options are available to manage the symptoms.
In addition, there are easy ways to prevent a flare-up from occurring. For more answers, please read our detailed breakdown of rosacea's signs, symptoms, and treatment options.
Before we cover the symptoms of rosacea, you need to understand the various types of conditions. This is important because symptoms of rosacea differ based on subtype.
The symptoms of erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (ETR) are as follows:
● Swollen skin.
● Dry skin and scaling.
● Redness and flushing.
● Spider veins.
● Burning and stinging skin.
● Sensitive skin.
The symptoms of papulopustular rosacea, also known as acne rosacea, are as follows:
● Oily and sensitive skin.
● Burning and stinging.
● Breakouts that look like acne.
● Severe reddening of the skin.
● Raised patches on the skin.
Acne rosacea is found to most commonly affect middle-aged women.
The symptoms of rhinophyma rosacea, a rare form of the condition, are as follows:
● Thickening of the skin, commonly on the nose but also on the forehead, cheeks, and chin.
● Visibly broken blood vessels.
● Bumps on the skin.
● Oily skin and enlarged pores.
The symptoms of ocular rosacea are as follows-
● Burning or stinging of the eyes.
● Dry eyes.
● Watery or bloodshot eyes.
● Light sensitivity.
● Blurry vision.
● Cysts.
● Itchy eyes.
Rosacea is not curable. However, you can take several easy steps to prevent a flare-up and treatment in case rosacea does occur. First, let's discuss the preventive measures for rosacea:
In general, certain foods have been found to cause flare-ups. These include but are not limited to tea, coffee, cocoa, cinnamaldehyde foods like cinnamon, tomatoes, citrus fruits and chocolates. Some specific foods and supplements have been found to help with rosacea symptoms, although the results are inconclusive. For some, gut-friendly foods help reduce rosacea symptoms, and omega-3 fatty acids, zinc sulfate, and other supplements with healthy fats also help.
Now that you have a fair idea of preventive measures to avoid a rosacea flare-up, let’s discuss some treatment options. The duration and type of treatment will depend on your particular type of rosacea and the severity of symptoms.
● Topical Remedies: For milder cases of rosacea, topical treatments in the form of creams and gels are very effective. Common topical remedies are creams like Brimonidine (Mirvaso) and oxymetazoline (Rhofade). Results for these creams may be seen within less than 12 hours. These gels work by constricting blood vessels, thereby reducing flushing.
Keep in mind this treatment is temporary, and you will need to apply the creams regularly for consistent results. Other common topical treatments include azelaic acid and metronidazole. The results of these two treatments take longer-up to six weeks in some cases.
● Antibiotics: Oral antibiotics such as doxycycline work on moderate to severe rosacea that is accompanied by pimples and bumps by killing bacteria on the skin.
● Oral Acne Drugs: For severe rosacea, isotretinoin is an option frequently suggested by doctors. This is a powerful drug but helps clear up rosacea acne exceptionally effectively.
● Laser Therapy: Laser therapy is one non-drug option that can be used to treat rosacea. The way it works is that the laser targets the blood vessels and makes them less visible. However, laser therapy has a few limitations compared to topical treatments and drugs. Firstly, it is not as effective on brown, black, or tanned skin. Second, laser therapy risks side effects like swelling and bruising that can last days. This increases downtime for recovery and additional measures post-treatment. Laser treatment also takes a long time to show results and may even cause hyperpigmentation.
● Pulse Dye Laser: Pulse dye laser is an option specifically for people suffering from rosacea called rhinophyma, which results in bulb-like red noses. Pulse dye laser can help shrink the nose and stop further growth.
● Electrosurgery: Another treatment option for rosacea is electrosurgery. The treatment targets small red blood vessels by applying an electrical spark through a needle. The quick and relatively painless procedure is an excellent option in case your rosacea has caused visible red blood vessels.
● Dermabrasion: Rhinophyma is also treated by a procedure called dermabrasion which helps sculpt the nose to its original size and shape by sanding the upper layers of the skin. As the skin heals from 1-2 weeks, new skin replaces the skin that has been sanded down.
Skin issues like rosacea can take a massive beating on your self-esteem. In some cases of rosacea, such as ocular rosacea, if left untreated, it can cause eyelid scarring and even vision loss in severe cases. Use our tips above to manage your rosacea symptoms. You can additionally prevent flare-ups by protecting your skin from sun exposure, minimizing stress, avoiding hot baths, and limiting your consumption of spicy foods.
Since merely identifying the type of rosacea and symptoms will not help you with a complete diagnosis, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor to determine particular lifestyle choices and habits that may exacerbate your condition. This also provides you with the best chance of treatment success.
For more tips to keep your rosacea in check and a physician-backed plan to treat symptoms, book an appointment with Pine Belt Dermatology. Pine Belt was built on the vision to provide every single patient with customized, high-quality care. Our experts offer both general and cosmetic dermatology services with locations in Petal, Hattiesburg, Ellisville, and Biloxi, Mississippi.
You can also look into our monthly specials to see our offers for each month. If you have any questions about insurance, please contact our office. We look forward to helping you!
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