Strata Pen is a minimally invasive micro-needling device used for skin rejuvenation. Also, Strata Pen is the micro-needling device used at Pine Belt Dermatology for a myriad of skin issues, such as acne scars, pigmentation issues, fine lines, wrinkles, pore size, loose skin, and brown spots. Micro needling is a very popular cosmetic procedure, and Pine Belt Dermatology has only begun offering it recently. Micro needling is defined as the use of small solid or hollow needles to cause punctures in the skin for therapeutic purposes. It’s a simple, safe, effective and easy to perform procedure with a growing list of applications. Mainly, micro needling devices cause patterns of tiny wounds that stimulate the healing cascade to produce healthier-looking skin of even texture and tone; this can be harnessed for simple rejuvenation via dermabrasion, or more profound indications such as the revision of various types of scarring. Additionally, micro needling is very affordable. Micro needle devices cost nowhere near as much as the complicated energy-based medical devices for skin rejuvenation , resurfacing or tightening, such as fractional CO2 lasers or radio-frequency devices, which can end up costing thousands of dollars over the course of multiple treatments. Our micro-needling service is $250 per treatment.
The cool thing with this new procedure is that it is great for all skin types and colors. Unlike laser, IPL, and chemical peels, Strata Pen can be used on all skin types without fear of hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, burning, and most importantly, recent mild to moderate sun exposure. However, if you’re considering micro-needling treatments, we recommend a cosmetic consultation first. In fact, we will not operate on a patient without first having a consultation about the procedure. Lauren Aycock or myself will discuss the different treatment options & determine if Strata Pen would be beneficial for your unique skin!
So who makes the ideal candidate for the Strat Pen micro-needling procedure? The better question is, “Who doesn’t?” Because it’s minimally invasive, doesn’t cause significant wounding of skin, and isn’t light-based, virtually anybody can safely undergo micro needling therapy with minimal risk of long-term adverse effects. Typically important factors such as age or skin color don’t matter. Even areas of the body where skin is typically thin can undergo treatment with some micro needling devices, such as Strata Pen, where depth of penetration is consistent and easily regulated. The best candidates for Strata Pen micro-needling are:
- Male or female, 18+ and in good health.
- Are not pregnant or planning to become pregnant.
- Has not had dermal fillers (Juvederm & Restylane) within 2 weeks of the treatment.
- Has not had Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin injections within 2 days of the treatment.
Medical contraindications for microneedling are:
- keloid scars
- diabetes
- immunosuppression
- active acne, rosacea or psoriasis
- blood-thinner or isotretinoin (>6 months) therapy
What is the treatment with Strata Pen micro-needling like? We’ll start your treatment plan by taking photos of your skin. Next, your face will be cleansed and a topical numbing cream will be applied. Once your numbing period is done, the treatment will begin and should only take about 15 to 30 minutes. Upon completion of the session, aftercare will be reviewed and you’ll be given instructions for how to care for your skin. That’s all there is to it!
What are the side effects or down time for the procedure? First of all, micro-needling is intended to be a minimally-invasive procedure. For most patients, the side effects & downtime are mild. However, experiences may vary slightly based on your skin type & the treatment settings.
For lighter “maintenance” procedures:
- settings will be less intense
- side effects will be milder; redness, swelling & itching are the most commonly reported
- social downtime will be ~1 to 2 days; light peeling is possible
For intensive “repair” procedures:
- settings will be stronger
- side effects will be moderate; redness, swelling, itching & mild discomfort are the most commonly reported
- social downtime will be ~2 to 5 days; peeling is possible
We recommend that our patients avoid sweat-inducing exercise for the first 12 hours post treatment. Sun exposure is also discouraged for at least 3 days post-treatment.
Lastly, and most importantly, when will we see results? Strata Pen, like all micro-needling devices, requires a series of treatments in order to get the best results. After each session, the micro-injuries we made to your skin will trigger a natural healing response. This can be described as a sort “remodeling” process. Your body’s own production of new collagen & elastin will create the most change.
So, if micro-needling is something you think you may need, or you would like to learn more about, stop by one of our offices. Lauren Aycock or I would be happy to have a consultation with you to learn more about what it is you are trying to achieve, and how we can help you on your journey to healthier skin… “Because healthy skin is beautiful skin!"